+36 (66) 520 980 sales@loxtop.com

Networking of LoxTop intelligent key and storage management system


Manage your LoxTop Key And Asset Management Systems via the LAN by opening their web-interface in a simple web-browser on your computer. It is possible to manage the user rights, review and download the event-log, download the database backup, and many more. No software installation is needed as the web-application is hosted on the cabinet.



The LoxTop Cabinets can be used as a standalone system, or several cabinets can be connected together through the LAN and a network of cabinets can be created. Their software can synchronize data in real-time via the LAN. The synched data includes user profiles, event logs, right levels, and so on.


ERP integration

The Key Management System can be integrated into your ERP. We provide a complete interface documentation for the integration.